Can You Pass That By Me Again?

Yesterday Senator Joe Manchin of the state of West Virginia announced he would not seek re-election to the Senate next year.  In today’s Wall Street Journal (11-10-23), Senator Manchin wrote an opinion piece titled “Why I Won’t Be Seeking Re-Election to the Senate.”  In the first paragraph he makes this statement: “I have always been a responsible pro-life advocate, but polls and elections like this week’s ballot initiative in Ohio show that most Americans want the balance found for the past 50 years in Roe v. Wade.”  In the very next sentence, he makes this contradictory statement: “So, last year I pushed for a bill that would have codified the 1973 ruling into law.”  What?  Balance? Roe v. Wade had balance? You’re a “responsible pro-life advocate” but want to pass a law codifying abortion into law?  I don’t get it.

This is typical pro-abortion double talk, or speaking with a forked tongue, as the Indian leader Cochise, would say.  This week Ohio voted to make abortion legal through birth in their state constitution (Issue 1).  I thought that Ohio was a red state.  Same thing is happening even in other conservative states; most people want the ability to kill their unborn. What is missing here is the crucial question, what is the unborn?  The pro-life speaker, Scott Klusendorf, uses the example of a mother in the kitchen washing the dishes when her three-year old comes behind her and asks her if he could kill what he has in his hands.  Before she answers she needs to know what her little one is holding, right?  If it’s a cockroach, yes.  To the people of Ohio, what are you voting for?  Is the unborn a human being or just a piece of tissue like your tonsils?  Were you not an unborn before you were born?  How can a civilized society allow the killing of the most vulnerable human beings like the unborn child? Yet this is what Ohio voted for.  Crisis Magazine ran a story on this subject called “We live Among Barbarians.”  Click here to read it.

People on the left and pro-abortion advocates will often claim that they follow science.  Do they?  Science has proven that life begins at conception.  Here are some scientific quotes on the beginning of life: Click here to see them.  In my neighborhood there are yard signs that read like this:  “love is love,”  “science is real,” and similar other sayings.  Now I’m sure that those of you opposed to this view can point to a scientist who disagrees with this.  Peter Singer, a long-time Bioethics professor at Princeton University, believes in infanticide even after birth.  Check this out: “It may be all right, according to Singer, to kill infants. Because they are not “persons,” they have no interest in staying alive, and it is only superstition that makes us think that killing them is intrinsically wrong. Singer is quick to note that it is still wrong to kill most infants, for other reasons. Of course, many are in denial of the truth, but the scientific consensus from leading scientists is that life begins at conception.  This comports to what the Bible says about killing the innocent.  There are dozens of Bible quotes on this; one quote is from Exodus 23:7:  “keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent and righteous, for I will not acquit the wicked.”

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