Molech Lives

The ancient Israelites sacrificed their newborn infants to their pagan god, Molech or Baal. This was usually done at a time of famine or drought to appease their pagan gods or to present an offering for the wrath of their god. Today, we sacrifice our unborn children, and even born children, as in the case of a child born alive in an attempted abortion. Recall that the U.S. Congress recently passed a proposed law to protect such children born alive (HR 26, 118th Congress). Only one Democrat, Henry Cuellar of Texas voted for it. The vote was 220-210; meaning 209 Democrats voted to kill an innocent newborn baby, living and breathing on a table.

There are multiple reasons given by pro-abortion people for favoring abortion. Most call it “women’s health,” or “a decision between a woman and her doctor.” Again, let’s examine this line of reasoning: So, a child living and breathing on a table should be killed and it’s called “woman’s health? Or only a decision between a woman and her doctor? According to this line of reasoning, anyone could decide to kill a living human being, as long as they discussed it with their doctor, right? Here is a good short video by Bishop Robert Barron on the issue of abortion and “women’s health care.”

Other reasons for an abortion can be how a baby will impact a woman’s career, her freedom or her comfort. A young woman I know who was nearing graduation from college got pregnant and delivered her baby. Her life changed completely. She now is taking care of a newborn. Her career is on hold or modified. Pro-abortion people would consider this a reason to abort. They don’t have the time or the will to become a mother; their career is more important. I agree, these are difficult decisions. Your life will change after a baby. But is this a reason to kill an innocent human being in the womb? Here is a list of reasons for abortion.

There are options such as adoption. Most fire stations have a “Safe Surrender”sign stating that anyone can drop off a newborn there with no questions asked. The Department of Social Services has a “Safe Surrender” list of where you can drop off an unwanted baby. Click here.

Many abortion advocates will say that they prefer killing the baby instead, rather than have the baby live a “life of suffering.” What person has an easy life with no suffering? With this line of reasoning, a poor family with, say five children, could kill one or all of them and say that they could not handle such a load of kids. Would this be legal? But, as long as you kill the baby before birth or right after birth, it’s legal and called “women’s health.”

Another frequently quoted reason for an abortion is poverty. I was born during World War II. My parents who married in 1939 could not afford any children nor could they afford to provide for the two of them. They married and had seven children. No one ever went hungry and they received no help from the government nor their neighbors. There was no welfare in those days. They rose to the occasion. By the way, “poverty” is often equated with crime. If that was the case the town where I lived would be full of criminals; instead it was a crime free environment. Ask your parent whether they knew they could afford you before you were born.

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