Speaking With a Forked Tongue

As my wife in I were driving to church today, we talked about a mutual friend and her politics. I opined on her hard left politics and how she is the local gadfly at city council meetings, opposing every new proposal made. Although this person is a Catholic, she’s very progressive. My wife casually said that she is pro-life though. Well, I’m a curious person so I started asking how a so called Catholic can support a party that promotes the death of the unborn, even after birth. In an earlier post I mentioned that the Democrats had voted not to protect a newborn baby, on the birth table, in a failed abortion attempt, if the mother did not want it (HR 26). Two hundred nine Democrats voted against the bill; only one voted for it. President Biden, whom the Pope calls a “good Catholic” wants to change the Constitution to insure abortion rights. So, the question is can a person be a faithful Catholic and support a party such as the rabid pro-abortion Democrats? I know, I know, many progressive will say that I’m a one issue proponent. Was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor during World War II, a one issue proponent when he railed against Hitler’s holocaust and giving his life for it? Well, if that issue is the killing of a 62 million unborn human beings in the United States alone, I am. Is a man who is only faithful to his wife for 90% of the time a faithful husband? You’re 100% faithful or you are not faithful. Picking what we like and rejecting the rest will not pass muster.

Let’s diagram this. If you’re pro-life, can you support a party that is not? Would it be ok for me to be against slavery and support a group who is? Can I be a moral person and support the KKK, or the MS13 street gang for instance? Is that just a one issue person? The number one reason given by pro-abortion advocates is finances. They are not prepared financially. Well, ok, so can I support the killing of children already alive because I can’t afford them? The next most popular reason for an abortion is not being prepared. Well, again, can I then kill my alive kids because I’m not prepared to care for them? Are unborn babies not alive in the womb? I think you get the point. We could go on and on.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church has this to say about abortion (Section 2271): “Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of abortion. This teaching remains unchangeable.” In Section 2272, it continues that “cooperation with abortion constitutes a grave offense. The church attaches excommunication for this offense.” If you vote for, or support a party which promotes abortion on demand, are you not cooperating with abortion? An example: I’m very much against slavery, but I vote for a candidate that supports slavery. Am I not cooperating with such a person? At the end of every Mass, the priest or deacon dismisses the congregation by saying: “The Mass is ended, go forth in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” What does this mean? It means you should be an example to others by how you live your life. In the Gospel of Matthew, 5:14, it states that “you are the light of the world, a town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” This means, that believers are to be examples to others by the way we live our lives. Does a progressive Catholic who supports the Democratic Party, the party of death, an example to others? Yes, a bad one, and not the one we’re called to be.

In last Sunday’s Gospel reading, Mat. 14:22-33 Jesus sends his disciples on a boat during the night where they encounter storms and are about to sink, when they see Him walking on the water toward them. The boat represents the church. The Apostles are the ones who are going into a hostile world where many of them are killed for their testimony. This is our job today, as His followers: To be an example of the light of the world, as mentioned above in Matthew 5:14. Are we representing the light or the darkness when we either promote abortion or cooperate with those that do? At the end of time, we will need to answer this question. We hope that His answer to us will be: “well done good and faithful servant.”

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