In Baal We Trust

Women’s health, my body, my choice; reproductive rights.  These are among the many euphemisms that we constantly hear from such people as “pro-choice” advocates, President Joe Biden, and the progressive media.  Of course, no one defines what they mean exactly by these; it’s understood that they just want the freedom to abort a living, growing human being in the womb. Notice that the Democrats, for example, want abortion up to birth, and in some cases even after birth.   Here is former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam on killing a baby after birth.  In January 2023 210 Democrats blocked a bill requiring medical aid for a child born alive that survived an abortion. Click here to read the story.

No one asks what is the unborn?  If the unborn is just tissue like your tonsils, yes, I would agree that it’s your choice.  But an unborn is not just tissue, it is a living human being in the womb.  You and I were such infants in the womb. Does the fact that this human being is in the womb instead of outside make any difference in his/her humanity? When does humanity start if not at the beginning?  What civil or scientific authority has come up with a time when humanity starts if not at the beginning: conception?  Life begins at conception according to science. Scientist are nearly unanimous that human life begins at conception. Click here for details.

The other day on the Fox News Channel program Fox News Sunday Democratic Representative Jim Hines of Connecticut stated that Democrats are for no abortion after viability, understood to be at 24 weeks. Click here to watch it. I’ve never heard this before. If that is the case why would you deny medical aid to a baby born alive? Again, if that is the case, why not be for a law banning abortion after viability? Have they ever proposed this? The fact remains that they are for abortion for any reason and no reason up to birth and sometimes after as noted earlier. I’m waiting for such a proposal at the next Democratic convention.

The fact that you call a human being a non-person, does not make him/her a non-person.  The other day I was watching an Instagram video of a man in the street interview.  The interviewer asked this person for a definition of a woman.  The response was, “it’s a complicated question.”  What?  You don’t know what a woman is?  Another person said that whatever a person calls himself/herself is what he/she is.  What?  How did we arrive at such nonsense?  When Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was being interviewed for her confirmation several years ago, she was asked the same question.  Her answer: “I’m not a biologist.”  How did we arrive at this crazy universe?  You must be a biologist to recognize a woman?  

Science teaches that life begins at conception.  I know that this is “controversial” but facts are not controversial.  Look at any embryology textbook and it will confirm it.  Click here for more on this. In today’s culture a man can call himself a woman and it’s accepted that he’s a woman.  This is completely illogical, but we’re told that we must accept what a person declares himself/herself to be.   Really?  We’re told by progressives that they follow science.  Really?   We just heard that in Scotland they’ve passed a law that punishes people for up to seven years in jail for saying something that may offend a person who may be trans, for instance.  Check this out.

We’ve been this way before.  During the Nazi regime, Jews were considered less than human and were murdered in gas chambers.  In Biblical times they had child sacrifices by which they would throw babies into a fire to please the “gods” of fertility, good crops, or wealth for instance.  Baal and Moloch were the gods of child sacrifice.  Today our culture has “women’s health” and “reproductive rights” as the god of child sacrifice.  “Women’s health” is the killing of innocent humans in the womb.  However, call it something else and it will be what you’ve called it.  This is today’s culture; a culture of death, as it has been called by Pope John Paul II’s Encyclical Evangelium Vitae.

Today’s Holocaust

I’ve been watching a recorded PBS documentary by the fine film maker, Ken Burns called The U.S. and the Holocaust; three episodes of two and half hour each. The evil that is portrayed by the Nazis is breathtaking.  This was man’s inhumanity to man.  I wish all could watch this series. I’ve added a hyperlink here earlier.  It reminds me that the human heart can be wicked beyond measure:  In Jeremiah 17:9-10 (NIV) says it this way: “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”  What stands out about this evil is the fact that all the Nazi occupied European countries cooperated with the Nazis and rounded up Jews and turned them in to them, knowing what would happen to them.  Another astounding fact was how neighbors in occupied countries like the Netherlands would betray their own neighbors like the Ann Frank family. How can such evil exist among so many people?  

Our “woke” culture of today has been very successful at changing the meaning of words, such as the meaning of marriage.  Up until just a few years ago, i.e., since the beginning of time so to speak, marriage meant a marriage of one man to one woman: not today.  The cultural left successfully changed that meaning.  The left also has mastered the big lie, like men and women are the same, truth is relative, the Russian collusion lie, there are more than two sexes, and on and on.  In Nazi Germany, they promoted the “big lie.” Joseph Goebbels made this statement about the big lie: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”   In today’s world, the government and academia will fire you if you do not follow their lies, such as calling a trans person by the improper pronoun. has a fine five-minute video about how words matter and how changing their meaning leads to negative results.  Click here to see it.

The big lie has been repeated about the unborn for the last 60 plus years.  Such lies as the unborn is not human, the unborn is not a person; the unborn is not a baby unless you want it; abortion is “health care,” “your body, your choice,” men can become women and women can become men, and many others.  Since Roe vs Wade in 1973 over 63,000,000 unborn babies have been killed.  It is estimated that about 35% of all abortions are done on black babies.  This is our holocaust.  How can so many people be killed and very few people notice or do anything about it?  Our President, a “Catholic,” wants to put the right to abortion in the Constitution; the opposite of what his church teaches. Here is a list of abortion since 1973.  Note that this is not a complete list.  Many states such as California do not report their statistics; so, this number is understated.  Click here to see these stats.  The human heart is wicked beyond repair. 

Abortion and the Abolition of Man

The January 2024 issue of the respected magazine, First Things, has a piece called “the Desecration of Man,” by Carl Trueman.  A reference to the famous book by C.S. Lewis “The Abolition of Man.”  Our modern culture does not value life, the unborn, and for that matter, the living.  Everything is disposable.  The sheer disregard for human life and human dignity is breathtaking.  In today’s press there is a lot of chatter about the three university presidents who recently appeared before Congress and failed to acknowledge that the genocide against the Jewish people is against their university rules of behavior.  Shocking as this may be, it reflects the general populace.  Trueman quotes from C.S. Lewis’ book, The Abolition of Man: “Speaking to an audience at the height of the Second World War, Lewis identified the central problem of the modern age: The world was losing its sense of what it meant to be human.”

The desecration of what it is to be human is not new but seems to increase by the day.  Abortion is one example of the desecration of man.  After the overturning of Roe v Wade last summer, the “day of rage” started.  State, by state the revenge has had some fruits.  Ohio and California voted to enshrine abortion up to and including birth into their state constitution.  On October 7, 2023, we witnessed the desecration and brutal murder of Israeli citizens sleeping in their bed.  A barbaric act for the ages. A testament to man’s inhumanity to man.  In the United States, and the world we see clueless people celebrating these murderous monsters.  How did we get here?  When a baby in womb, and even outside the womb is only human if the mother wants it, if not, the baby can be killed legally. We’ve lost a sense of what it means to be human.

On TV we have programs like “The Bachelorette” where young women compete for the attention of a man. Now we have the older version, The Golden Bachelor, where a dozen older women compete for one man.  We call this dignity of the human person?  People are just “issue.”  In my last piece I referred to California Penal Code 187 which states that if a pregnant woman is murdered, the child counts as a human, but an abortion is excluded.  What insanity is this?  You’re only human if you say you are but not if you deny it?  Today, a man can claim to be a woman and is celebrated as “woman of the year.”  In November 2023, transgender woman, Geena Rocero was named “woman of the year” by Glamour Magazine.   This is what the abolition of man looks like.  

The church has not escaped this desecration of man.  The leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis is famous for giving constant mixed messages and contradictions, such as when he first said that we cannot bless sin, referring to homosexuality, and later saying that same sex marriages could be blessed based on the individual priest’s preference.  This is speaking with a forked tongue – moral relativism.  This week I attended a funereal at a Lutheran Church.  I noticed that the bathrooms were marked “all gender.”  The church has now surrendered to the culture.  Truth is relative.  The president of Harvard University, Claudine Gay, in the recent Congressional hearing made the statement “my truth.”  So, truth is now relative:  you have your truth and I have mine: “In an interview with the Harvard Crimson student newspaper published Friday, Gay apologized for her remarks and said in part: “I got caught up in what had become at that point, an extended, combative exchange about policies and procedures.” “I failed to convey what is my truth,” she said.”  Insanity reigns at the academy.  Pontius Pilate famously asked Jesus “what is truth?” A mockery of Jesus.  Jesus said that He is the truth.  With a secular culture of today, this is a puzzle to most and a hindrance to others.  With the absence of God, as G. K. Chesterton said: “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.” 

The Trueman article makes this quote: “The abolition of man as Lewis describes it takes place against the background of two aspects of modernity: its disenchantment and its accelerating liquidity. Yet I want to suggest that we need to add a third category, that of desecration. Man is made in God’s image. That means that the abolition of man is a theological act with theological consequences. Neither disenchantment nor liquidity by itself adequately expresses this aspect of the problem. Desecration, a theological concept, does so.”

Man is made is God’s image.  We have forgotten that, no, we have chosen to ignore it.  We are the determiners of who we are.  A few years ago I read a good book about Scientology called “Going Clear” by Lawrence Wright.  Scientology claims it’s a religion, but as a Scientologist, you can manage your life with their instructions, not God; you’re in control.  The desecration of man follows from this view.  It follows, also that the disregard for the humanity of the unborn leads from such a view.

The Mental Gymnastics of Abortion Advocates

The debate on November 30, 2023, between Governors Ron DeSantis of Florida and Gavin Newsom of California was a stark contrast of two opposing views when it comes to the dignity of life. Moderator, Sean Hannity asked Newsom at least twice whether he believed in any restrictions on abortion. Newsom evaded the question and went to his trite demagogic response by pointing out that DeSantis’s 15-week ban was “extreme” in his opinion.  This is par for the course for any pro-abortion advocate; never acknowledge reality, only platitudes that have no logic, nor rhyme or reason. 

Whenever politicians discuss this issue, evasion and obfuscation is their modus operandi (MO).  On this issue I’m reminded of the Nazi era saying attributed to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi general: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” This sounds like it was issued yesterday.  Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Democrats have been trying to enshrine abortion rights in our Constitution.  The State of Ohio just recently voted to enshrine abortion until birth in their state constitution, for example.  

On the other hand, pro-life politicians have no proper response.  Why are my fellow pro-life advocates like Governor DeSantis not asking the crucial question – What is the unborn?  Is the unborn just tissue or an organ like your tonsils?  Is the unborn not a human being in the womb?  Why do we not make the pro-abortion politicians answer this question?  This is not just opinion; it’s a scientific fact.  Most scientists agree that life begins at conception.  If you Google this question, you will find that 96% of scientists in over 1,000 academic institutions agree that life begins at conception.  Scientist have recently found that life begins at conception with a burst of light observable with a microscope.  Click here to read the story.  

We can refer to the Bible on the dignity of life, but we don’t need to; science, philosophy, reason, and logic have already made it clear.  What does the pro-abortion side have on their side to back-up their position?  I’ve seen nothing except personal platitudes like “my body, my choice,” “women’s health,” or, as Gavin Newsom said, abortion, the killing of an unborn human being, is “a choice between a woman and her doctor.”  Well with this definition, anyone of us, with the consultation of our doctor, could kill a two-month-old child, for instance.  Where is the logic?  Many states have passed laws that include an unborn fetus a second murder whenever a pregnant woman is murdered.  California Penal Code 187 makes this statement regarding the unborn fetus of a pregnant woman who is killed: “Penal Code section 187, subdivision (a) defines murder as “the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.” The statute excludes lawful abortions or acts by a physician to save the life of “the mother of the fetus.”   As Lt. Columbo would say, just one last question:  Does this not admit that an unborn baby is a human being that deserves protection? So, the state is saying that an unborn baby in the womb is a human if the mother is killed but the mother can choose to kill it by abortion and the unborn is not considered a human.  What logic or reason does this follow?  This is insanity.

The only person who is an abortion supporter who follows the logic of his argument is Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, Peter Singer.  He makes this statement concerning infanticide: “It may be all right, to kill infants. Because they are not “persons,” they have no interest in staying alive, and it is only superstition that makes us think that killing them is intrinsically wrong.”  Singer may be wrong, but unlike most politicians and others, he follows his argument to its logical conclusion.

Can You Pass That By Me Again?

Yesterday Senator Joe Manchin of the state of West Virginia announced he would not seek re-election to the Senate next year.  In today’s Wall Street Journal (11-10-23), Senator Manchin wrote an opinion piece titled “Why I Won’t Be Seeking Re-Election to the Senate.”  In the first paragraph he makes this statement: “I have always been a responsible pro-life advocate, but polls and elections like this week’s ballot initiative in Ohio show that most Americans want the balance found for the past 50 years in Roe v. Wade.”  In the very next sentence, he makes this contradictory statement: “So, last year I pushed for a bill that would have codified the 1973 ruling into law.”  What?  Balance? Roe v. Wade had balance? You’re a “responsible pro-life advocate” but want to pass a law codifying abortion into law?  I don’t get it.

This is typical pro-abortion double talk, or speaking with a forked tongue, as the Indian leader Cochise, would say.  This week Ohio voted to make abortion legal through birth in their state constitution (Issue 1).  I thought that Ohio was a red state.  Same thing is happening even in other conservative states; most people want the ability to kill their unborn. What is missing here is the crucial question, what is the unborn?  The pro-life speaker, Scott Klusendorf, uses the example of a mother in the kitchen washing the dishes when her three-year old comes behind her and asks her if he could kill what he has in his hands.  Before she answers she needs to know what her little one is holding, right?  If it’s a cockroach, yes.  To the people of Ohio, what are you voting for?  Is the unborn a human being or just a piece of tissue like your tonsils?  Were you not an unborn before you were born?  How can a civilized society allow the killing of the most vulnerable human beings like the unborn child? Yet this is what Ohio voted for.  Crisis Magazine ran a story on this subject called “We live Among Barbarians.”  Click here to read it.

People on the left and pro-abortion advocates will often claim that they follow science.  Do they?  Science has proven that life begins at conception.  Here are some scientific quotes on the beginning of life: Click here to see them.  In my neighborhood there are yard signs that read like this:  “love is love,”  “science is real,” and similar other sayings.  Now I’m sure that those of you opposed to this view can point to a scientist who disagrees with this.  Peter Singer, a long-time Bioethics professor at Princeton University, believes in infanticide even after birth.  Check this out: “It may be all right, according to Singer, to kill infants. Because they are not “persons,” they have no interest in staying alive, and it is only superstition that makes us think that killing them is intrinsically wrong. Singer is quick to note that it is still wrong to kill most infants, for other reasons. Of course, many are in denial of the truth, but the scientific consensus from leading scientists is that life begins at conception.  This comports to what the Bible says about killing the innocent.  There are dozens of Bible quotes on this; one quote is from Exodus 23:7:  “keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent and righteous, for I will not acquit the wicked.”

Cultivating the Vineyard

You have planted a brand-new vineyard, the pride of your hands.  You work the land, hoe it, care for it, and maintain it until it’s fully grown.  You watch as the new shoots grow, and you gleam with joy for the work of your hands.  But the new vineyard will not see the day when it is a complete and beautiful vineyard.  Someone has come along and pulled all the shoots during their growth.  The vineyard is now a field of weeds.  What is your reaction?  This is what happens when a new baby in the womb is torn out of the womb by abortion.

The vineyard, just as the baby in the womb, belonged not only to you but to God.  You have been robbed and God has been robbed.  Now, we punish criminals who steal from us, as we should.  But what will God do when he is robbed?  If you are the robber, what will be your defense on the last day when you encounter the Ancient of Days and are called forward to give a defense for what you did?  Will you say, I did not have time to take care of the vineyard?  Will you say, you were not prepared to take care of the vineyard?  Will you say that you did not have the money to care for the vineyard?  Are you sure this will be a convincing argument?

In today’s Gospel, Matthew 21:33-43, we read about the parable of the landowner who plants a vineyard and then leases it to tenants.  When it comes time for the harvest, the landowner sends his servants to get his share of the harvest.  The tenants beat the servants and killed one of them.  Then the landowner sends his son to get his portion of the harvest.  Again, the son is also killed.  The rhetorical question is asked: “what will the owner of the vineyard do to those tenants when her comes? They answered him, He will put those wretched men to a wretched death.”  Now, it is not for me to say this is what will happen to those who rob God of his little ones, but I think they will not go unpunished.  At the same time, God is merciful if we repent of our sins, and indeed many of us who have aborted, can get this mercy.

Be Ye Doers of the Word

These words are inscribed in the pulpit of our church, big enough for all to see: “Be Ye Doers of the Word and not Just Hearers.”  The Biblical quote puts it this way: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (James 1:22 NIV).  I often wonder how many see this inscription or know what it means.  This is a declarative statement; it is in the form of a military command.  It says, do it, not just hear it; or suffer the consequences. 

Many of my fellow progressive Catholics follow just what suits them and ignore the rest; what we call “Cafeteria Catholics.”  This is a losing proposition.  If you tell your son or daughter to do something, do you expect him or her to do it, or just hear it?  If neither one does it, what is your reaction? These same progressive Catholics, for example, are very pro-abortion.  Are they doing what the Bible commands as pointed out earlier?  Our current president, Joe Biden, is famous for saying that he follows the church on abortion, but he will not impose this on anyone else.  Excuse me?  So, if I believe that murder is a moral evil, I won’t impose this on others?  We live in a society with rules, and if we violate the rules, we’re punished, right?  Can I run a red light, for instance, and not get a ticket if a policeman is behind me?  Will the policeman say to me, I believe in the red-light rule, but I will not hold anyone else to it? 

I’m using the Bible here as a source, but we don’t need it to prove that murder, for example, is a moral evil.  Do atheists believe that murder is a moral evil?  Do they believe that stealing is wrong?  If not, just take their stuff and see if they complain.  We also have what is called Natural Law, which states that human beings possess intrinsic values that govern their reasoning and behavior.  Most of us know automatically, and without being taught, that to steal or murder is wrong.  How do we know it?  Natural Law.  Robert George is a professor of jurisprudence at Princeton University and one of the finest philosophers of our day.  Click here for his take on Natural Law.

Another common practice is to believe, as many of my friends do, that religion is a “private matter.”  As Lieutenant Columbo would say, can I ask you one final question?  What is your definition of religion being “a private matter?” Do we go to church and pray but after we leave the church, we do whatever we want and resume our non-religious, secular ways?  If this is the case, why do we go to church? Click here for a short analysis of why religion cannot logically be a private matter.

Richard John Neuhaus, a Catholic priest, was giant of a man. He was a prolific writer and philosopher who started the magazine called First Things.  Neuhaus published a famous book called “The Naked Public Square” where he argued why religion cannot and must not be a private matter.  Click here for a First Things article on why this is so.  In the early 2000s I had the privilege of hearing Father Neuhaus speak at a conference in Chicago.  He was not only eloquent but a powerful intellectual of the highest order. Unfortunately, he died in 2009 at an early age.

Speaking With a Forked Tongue

As my wife in I were driving to church today, we talked about a mutual friend and her politics. I opined on her hard left politics and how she is the local gadfly at city council meetings, opposing every new proposal made. Although this person is a Catholic, she’s very progressive. My wife casually said that she is pro-life though. Well, I’m a curious person so I started asking how a so called Catholic can support a party that promotes the death of the unborn, even after birth. In an earlier post I mentioned that the Democrats had voted not to protect a newborn baby, on the birth table, in a failed abortion attempt, if the mother did not want it (HR 26). Two hundred nine Democrats voted against the bill; only one voted for it. President Biden, whom the Pope calls a “good Catholic” wants to change the Constitution to insure abortion rights. So, the question is can a person be a faithful Catholic and support a party such as the rabid pro-abortion Democrats? I know, I know, many progressive will say that I’m a one issue proponent. Was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor during World War II, a one issue proponent when he railed against Hitler’s holocaust and giving his life for it? Well, if that issue is the killing of a 62 million unborn human beings in the United States alone, I am. Is a man who is only faithful to his wife for 90% of the time a faithful husband? You’re 100% faithful or you are not faithful. Picking what we like and rejecting the rest will not pass muster.

Let’s diagram this. If you’re pro-life, can you support a party that is not? Would it be ok for me to be against slavery and support a group who is? Can I be a moral person and support the KKK, or the MS13 street gang for instance? Is that just a one issue person? The number one reason given by pro-abortion advocates is finances. They are not prepared financially. Well, ok, so can I support the killing of children already alive because I can’t afford them? The next most popular reason for an abortion is not being prepared. Well, again, can I then kill my alive kids because I’m not prepared to care for them? Are unborn babies not alive in the womb? I think you get the point. We could go on and on.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church has this to say about abortion (Section 2271): “Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of abortion. This teaching remains unchangeable.” In Section 2272, it continues that “cooperation with abortion constitutes a grave offense. The church attaches excommunication for this offense.” If you vote for, or support a party which promotes abortion on demand, are you not cooperating with abortion? An example: I’m very much against slavery, but I vote for a candidate that supports slavery. Am I not cooperating with such a person? At the end of every Mass, the priest or deacon dismisses the congregation by saying: “The Mass is ended, go forth in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” What does this mean? It means you should be an example to others by how you live your life. In the Gospel of Matthew, 5:14, it states that “you are the light of the world, a town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” This means, that believers are to be examples to others by the way we live our lives. Does a progressive Catholic who supports the Democratic Party, the party of death, an example to others? Yes, a bad one, and not the one we’re called to be.

In last Sunday’s Gospel reading, Mat. 14:22-33 Jesus sends his disciples on a boat during the night where they encounter storms and are about to sink, when they see Him walking on the water toward them. The boat represents the church. The Apostles are the ones who are going into a hostile world where many of them are killed for their testimony. This is our job today, as His followers: To be an example of the light of the world, as mentioned above in Matthew 5:14. Are we representing the light or the darkness when we either promote abortion or cooperate with those that do? At the end of time, we will need to answer this question. We hope that His answer to us will be: “well done good and faithful servant.”

The use of Language and Abortion

It has been said that whoever controls language controls the culture. In todays woke culture, you can get fired for what you say, even if it’s totally innocuous. A Texas professor was fired for claiming there are only two sexes. Click here for the story. You can be called a “racist” for simply disagreeing with your opponent. Here are some examples. The other day I was checking my Instagram profile and noticed that Instagram has a space in your profile where you can add your favored pronouns.

When it comes to the unborn, the crucial question we must ask ourselves is what is the unborn? Is the unborn just tissue or a human being in the womb? Our culture ignores this question. Instead they refer to abortion as “a women’s right to choose,” or women’s health. But this would be fine if the unborn was just tissue, like your tonsils. As I walk my neighborhood I see yard signs with such messages as “science is real,” “love is love,” and so on. Now, I agree, but what does it mean, science is real, for instance? Science agrees that the unborn is a human being, and that human life begins at conception. Click here for the story. Dr. Landrum Shettles, the first scientist to achieve conception in a test tube, writes that conception not only confers life, it “defines” life. See Scott Klusendorf’s book “Pro-Life 101, p.12 (2002). Here is a list of what science says about the beginning of human life from Princeton University. So when you state that science is real, as the sign here states, what are you saying? Do you include the unborn in that definition? If not, science is in your subjective mind only and not real.

Back to the control of language. In today’s crazy woke culture, you can be fired from your job if you “misidentify” one of your colleagues, for instance, who is “gender fluid.” At the same time, you can ignore the reality of a human life in the womb and no one will complain. What have we done with reason and logic? Is relative language the major determining factor or reality, or science, or logic, or morality?

On page 14 of Scott Klusendorf’s book mentioned earlier, he discussed the differences between a newborn and an unborn, none of which are relevant to its status as a human being: Size, Level of development, environment and Degree of dependency (SLED). Klusendorf is a prolific pro-life speaker out of Atlanta. In October of this year he will be speaking at the fund raising banquet for the Torrance Pregnancy Help Center. His website is: To find out more about the Torrance Pregnancy Help Center go to their website:

Molech Lives

The ancient Israelites sacrificed their newborn infants to their pagan god, Molech or Baal. This was usually done at a time of famine or drought to appease their pagan gods or to present an offering for the wrath of their god. Today, we sacrifice our unborn children, and even born children, as in the case of a child born alive in an attempted abortion. Recall that the U.S. Congress recently passed a proposed law to protect such children born alive (HR 26, 118th Congress). Only one Democrat, Henry Cuellar of Texas voted for it. The vote was 220-210; meaning 209 Democrats voted to kill an innocent newborn baby, living and breathing on a table.

There are multiple reasons given by pro-abortion people for favoring abortion. Most call it “women’s health,” or “a decision between a woman and her doctor.” Again, let’s examine this line of reasoning: So, a child living and breathing on a table should be killed and it’s called “woman’s health? Or only a decision between a woman and her doctor? According to this line of reasoning, anyone could decide to kill a living human being, as long as they discussed it with their doctor, right? Here is a good short video by Bishop Robert Barron on the issue of abortion and “women’s health care.”

Other reasons for an abortion can be how a baby will impact a woman’s career, her freedom or her comfort. A young woman I know who was nearing graduation from college got pregnant and delivered her baby. Her life changed completely. She now is taking care of a newborn. Her career is on hold or modified. Pro-abortion people would consider this a reason to abort. They don’t have the time or the will to become a mother; their career is more important. I agree, these are difficult decisions. Your life will change after a baby. But is this a reason to kill an innocent human being in the womb? Here is a list of reasons for abortion.

There are options such as adoption. Most fire stations have a “Safe Surrender”sign stating that anyone can drop off a newborn there with no questions asked. The Department of Social Services has a “Safe Surrender” list of where you can drop off an unwanted baby. Click here.

Many abortion advocates will say that they prefer killing the baby instead, rather than have the baby live a “life of suffering.” What person has an easy life with no suffering? With this line of reasoning, a poor family with, say five children, could kill one or all of them and say that they could not handle such a load of kids. Would this be legal? But, as long as you kill the baby before birth or right after birth, it’s legal and called “women’s health.”

Another frequently quoted reason for an abortion is poverty. I was born during World War II. My parents who married in 1939 could not afford any children nor could they afford to provide for the two of them. They married and had seven children. No one ever went hungry and they received no help from the government nor their neighbors. There was no welfare in those days. They rose to the occasion. By the way, “poverty” is often equated with crime. If that was the case the town where I lived would be full of criminals; instead it was a crime free environment. Ask your parent whether they knew they could afford you before you were born.